IEN Launches New Activites for 2024

IEN Development Committee

Join the IEN Development Committee today and play a crucial role in shaping the future of our organization. As a committee member, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of professionals to develop and implement innovative strategies that will drive our success. By joining the IEN Development Committee, you will gain valuable experience, expand your network, and make a meaningful contribution to the growth and development of our organization. Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to be a part of the IEN’s development.

We cordially invite you to apply for the committee as a member volunteer. Choose to embark on this journey with us. The IEN will provide a formal letter to your workplace, expatiating the job description, terms of reference for the committee, and a compendium of the benefits of the role to the IEN. For example, this work will be crucial in establishing the IEN as a Charity status for 2025/2026. We expect the committee members to allocate time outside the committee to dedicate to committee work and tasks within the scheduled timeframe. We are grateful for your consideration of this opportunity. Join the IEN Committee today and help us create a vitally needed organization.

IEN Hosts Lunch & Learn Series

The Indigenous Evaluation Network (IEN) is pleased to announce the launch of its inaugural Lunch & Learn Series in 2024. This cumulative series is designed to provide participants with a valuable branded notebook. The IEN is offering three distinct types of lunch and learn sessions that cater to varying levels of experience and expertise.

We would like to extend an invitation for you to attend our upcoming meetings, which will be held every two weeks for a duration of six months. A comprehensive list of topics to be covered and the duration of the 11 meetings will be disseminated to those who apply. In advance of the entire six-month period, Zoom meeting invitations will be scheduled.

We would expect that those who register their interest demonstrate a strong commitment to the task and maintain an accurate diary that they are willing to share with the IEN.

At the Indigenous Evaluation Network., we believe that effective collaboration and open communication are the key to success. Thus, we cordially invite you to participate in these meetings, which we are confident will provide you with valuable insights and opportunities for learning.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The first type is intended for individuals who are new to evaluation and seek to understand what an Indigenous Evaluation Framework entails. To this end, participants can sign-up now.

The second type is tailored to those who already possess knowledge of evaluation methods and are prepared to establish an Indigenous Evaluation Framework. This type of session is particularly relevant for individuals operating within a clearly defined community and having established relationships, such as a band or political organization. Participants can sign-up now.

The third type of session caters to individuals with prior knowledge of evaluation and who are ready to prepare an Indigenous Evaluation Framework. This type of session is specifically tailored for those operating within a diversified and challenging-to-reach population. Participants can sign-up for this now as well.